We are partnered with Pastors Gideon and Evelyn in Kenya, East Africa.
Our first building project is in Lodwar, Turkana. A dry tribal region in the northern part of the country. The region was experiencing a severe drought and many people were dying. We did a soul winning outreach and provided food and water to the families, many were saved and we planted a church under the trees.
We then purchased an acre of property for the church, dug a 100 meter well and installed a solar pump system and water tower. This project is going to bring fresh water and eternal life to the people of Turkana for generations to come.
Phase one is completed, our second phase is to purchase another 4 acres of property and install an electrical fence around it. Phase three is to build a church and a home for the pastor and his family. Our fourth phase of the project is to build a private Christian school and youth development center.
Many people are hearing the Gospel for the first time and began meeting as a church underneath the trees!
You Can Give A One Time Gift Into This Project, Or Become A Monthly Partner. Thank You for Your Generosity!
We are on a mission to
Reach The Lost At Any Cost
You can partner with us on our mission to get the message of the Gospel to as many people as we can. We host events frequently throughout our community; from tent crusade evangelism, to door to door soul winning, productions and the performing arts, family events, and much more. No matter what it takes we are going to get this GOOD NEWS out so people can receive the precious free gift of salvation!